Brian Tally

A VA medical malpractice injury left Brian with no recourse, no justice and no accountability. Brian stood up in the face of adversity in his weakest and most vulnerable time in his life and took on the Federal Government and the Department of Veterans Affairs in a meaningful and honorable way. He created a grassroots movement to protect an estimated 20.2 Million American Veterans from suffering the same fate as he and his family did. He drafted his own legislation and successfully lobbied Congress and closed a 74 year VA legal loophole that has destroyed the lives of veterans and their families for generations. Brian's heroic and unprecedented journey spans 6 years, 4 Congressional Bills, and 1 law. Brian's Bill, the 'Brian Tally VA Employment Transparency Act' was signed into law on January 5th, 2021 by President Donald J. Trump.

Meet Brian

Brian Tally, a former Sergeant in the United States Marine Corps was thriving and living the American Dream. A beautiful family, a wife of 25 years, 4 awesome kids and a successful small business owner! Then out of nowhere, and with no warning Brian suffered a catastrophic life changing medical malpractice injury that has forever changed the trajectory of his life. Brian persevered in ways that has rarely ever been seen before, and re-created a new version of himself as he turned his pain and suffering into a new found purpose. He's now telling his story.


Brian is not your “everyday” run of the mill motivational speaker! Brian is sure to deliver one of the most impactful and inspiring messages you’ve ever heard, and leaves most audiences battling an array of emotions as Brian shares his miraculous story.

book cover

Purchase a Book

Brian is a genuine and a ‘from the heart’ speaker and writer that delivers a sincere message of hope, faith, and never giving up. He adds tremendous ‘real life’ - value to ‘everyday’ people and will ensure that you can and will begin to get 1% better each day. Brian gives a unique perspective of life as he breaks down his unprecedented story in his new book that is sure to leave the readers inspired and motivated. This tell all book is full of pictures, detailed testimony, and knowledge. This extraordinary story will forever leave a lasting impact on your life. Get Brian's book today!

Speaking Topics

Brian Tally will leave the audience inspired and motivated after listening to his mind-blowing story. Brian’s speech and detailed testimony of his unprecedented journey will cover a wide array of some of the most important and meaningful topics that we all face and encounter in our everyday lives.

Copyright Brian J. Tally